Frauen für Frauen in Konflikt- und Gewaltsiuationen e.V.
It is the goal of “Frauen für Frauen in Konflikt- und Gewaltsiuationen e.V.” to offer counselling and support to women and their children in their current situation on one hand. On the other hand the association wants to effect change on a legal and societal basis that prevents violence against women and children through broad public relations and committee work. Frauenraum – situated in Berlin Mitte – and TARA – situated in Berlin Schöneberg – are part of the “Frauen für Frauen in Konflikt- und Gewaltsituationen e.V.” association.
The association “Frauen für Frauen in Konflikt- und Gewaltsituationen e.V.” is a member of berliner frauen netzwerk (bfn).
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